
For Architects and designers we offer CAD drawings of the most important bird control systems, which can also be downloaded from You may freely copy and use them for your project.



Wire systems

Tension wire element
Tension wire element.DWG
Tension wire for soffits  
Tension wire for soffits.DWG Tension wire for soffits 1-row.PDF
Tension wire for soffits 2-row.PDF
Tension wire for soffits 3-row.PDF
Tension wire for soffits 4-row.PDF
Tension wire for soffits 5-row.PDF
Tension wire element for roof ridges
Tension wire element for roof ridges.DWG
Tension wire element for roof ridges, round, 3-row.PDF
Tension wire element for roof ridges, 3-row, 180-260mm.PDF
Tension wire element for roof ridges, triangular, 3-row.PDF
Tension wire element for roof ridges, triangular, 5-row.PDF
Tension wire element for roof ridges, trapez, 2-row.PDF


Electrical systems


Acoustic systems

Special solutions for bridges

Special solutions guttering

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