Blank-firing systems work with propane gas and repel birds with intensely audible blank shots. The units can shoot in an irregular pattern in order to reduce habituation of the birds.
The important characteristics of blank-firing systems
- Birds are dispersed by warning shots. Three shots turned out to be most successful: first shot (scaring), second shot (soaring up), third shot (flying away)
- The sound pattern with three combined shots turned out to be most successful in reducing any habituation of the birds.
- With a timer the devices can be programed to turn off and on at your specificied times.
- Due to the high volume of noise the systems are used only at a sufficient distance away from the nearest populated settlement.
- Blank-firing systems can be supplemented with moving elements. Some birds (Blackbirds, Thrushes, Herons) respond more to movement than to auditory stimuli. Therefore, the device Purivox Razzo Triplex V is one of the most effective of its kind.