Plastic support brackets are bonded to the concrete with high performance adhesive.
These hold the netting taught and still provide sufficient flexibility.The most important characteristics of bonded netting:
- Ultralight PE netting, only weighing 12g pro square metre, is hung on plastic support brackets. The brackets are attached to the concrete or steel structure using high performance adhesive.
- It is not necessary with netting to bore into the steel structure, support elements or similar.
- Complicated structures, offsets, pipe openings etc can easily be integrated into the netting.
- Netting is available with a mesh size 50mm x 50mm for pigeons and larger birds and mesh size 18mm x 18mm for swallows and smaller birds.
- The netting complies with fire protection class B1.
- Maintenance is possible at all times due to the integrated zips.
- The most cost effective method of bird control.
Abbildungen zum Thema

Brackets are bonded with a special adhesive.

The netting is hung on the brackets and fixed.

Construction under a bridge

- Adaptable to any type of bridge
- UV and weather-resistant
- Fire resistant
- Visually attractive and discreet solution
- Easy to dismantle without causing damage
- Can be quickly extended
- Cost effective
- No detailed planning necessary
- Easily vandalised. Not suitable for areas reached by pedestrians.
A4 Federal motorway bridge at Jena
We installed more than 100 square metres of polycarbonate plates as bird protection underneath the Podelsatz Bridge near Jena.
After an exact survey we prepared plans and cut the material accordingly. All the plates were installed at a height of over 30m using industrial climbing technology, thus saving substantial costs on bridge bottom view equipment. To enable planned maintenance purposes in future most of the plates have additional handles and can thus be easily removed. The high specification of the fastening material ensures the long-term quality of the bird control measure, which is almost invisible due to the material selected.
Niederwartha Bridge: netting and spikes
The Niederwarthaer bridge at Dresden is a modern cable-stayed bridge with a main opening of 192m. The existing parallel railway bridge is heavily infested with pigeons. Therefore, the client decided on extensive bird control measures.
The underside of the steel structure has a complex geometry, why a bird intrusion measure with grating or expanded metal would have been very complex. Our netting with bonding technology provided an excellent suitable alternative. It can cover large areas and is cheap to install, without damaging the structure by drilling. More than 2,000 square metres of 18mm x 18mm PE netting was installed by bonding on the steel structure and abutments. The netting is held in place by more than 5,000 plastic fasteners, which are attached to the structure by special adhesive.
Likewise, the cable anchors are favourite roosting places for pigeons. Special stainless steel spikes prevent this. They were also installed on the drainpipes, the upper edges of the pillars and the pylon.
B404 Elbevorland Bridge Geesthacht
The abutments and pressure plates on the bridge at Geesthacht were protected by us. Our team installed ca. 200 m2 GRP (glass fibre reinforced plastic) grating. Gratings, made of V4A binding agent and specially manufactured posts, were cut using laser technology and assembled after detailed planning and 3D modelling.
In one of the V4A frame constructions grating was installed as a door, to allow easy access to the pressure plate. GRP gratings are light and stable, economic, and enable dependable rear ventilation to the bridge components, compared to other solutions.
Bridge near Bonn: PE netting in bonding procedure
We cleaned and disinfected a heavily soiled abutment on this bridge near Bonn. Bird control was with PE netting Antec and bonding technology. Thus, there are no drill holes in the structure. Zips were included to ensure access to the abutments.
Federal German Railways, Frankfurt: Netting
We protected the abutments of the bridge pillars with PE netting on the German Railways bridge. Zips were included to ensure access for maintenance purposes at all times.
Federal German Railways: pigeon droppings cleaning and disinfection
Bridges are often used by pigeons for sleeping and breeding. They are thus often heavily contaminated. We removed and disposed of several tons of pigeon droppings in accordance with Health and Safety Executive Regulation 892 from this bridge. After disinfecting the bridge was reopened for tests.
In the Wetzlar area: cleaning and disinfecting underneath bridges
There were heavy pigeon droppings soiling the underneath of this bridge. All work was carried out with the strictest protection measures for our employees. The pigeon droppings have been disposed of in accordance with the Hazardous Waste Regulations.
After two disinfections it was possible to carry out the bridge testing.
In the Wetzlar area: netting underneath bridges
At this motorway bridge in Hessen we had to protect the entrances, which were heavily contaminated with pigeon droppings, from bird intrusion. The entrances and abutments were protected with several hundred m2 fine mesh PE netting using cable frame technology.
Duisburg: closing of entrances on the abutment
The entrances on the abutment of this bridge on the B57 in Duisburg were closed with polycarbonate plates. It was not possible to completely close the entrances with plates, so the remaining open area was closed with bonding technology. The pigeons found this open area and quickly repopulated the rear of the abutment making a second cleaning and disinfecting necessary.
Hessen: closing of entrances on the abutment
We closed the entrances to the abutment of this bridge with stainless steel netting. This method of installation is time-saving and cost effective due to the high inherent stability of the netting.
Duisburg: PE netting Antec in bonding procedure
Under this bridge on the A59 in Duisburg abutements are protected with steel gratings. The gratings didnt reach the under edge of the bridge, leaving place for pigeons to breed.
With PE netting Antec and bonding technology we have securely protected these openings. Antec-nets can be flexibly attached to any structure, although costs are much less compared with those of gratings.
Cologne: Stainless steel spikes on drainpipes
Under this bridge in Cologne, we have installed stainless steel spikes directly on the drainpipes.