Aircraft-Bird Strike Accidents Solutions
13.06'14 - Jörg Nitzsche, CEO Bird Control Solutions
The infographic titled
“Aircraft-Bird Strike Accidents Solutions” has been created with the big
idea of guiding people about how bird strikes harm aircraft. This infographic
will be useful for them to know about various solutions to control the aircraft
bird strikes.
How to Control Birds at Home
22.03'14 - Jörg Nitzsche, CEO Bird Control Solutions
In United States, Million of homes and properties are facing bird problems. A lot of bird control solutions are available in the market, but it is tricky to find out the best suitable method for your need and their pros and cons. Here at you will come to know about various humane bird control methods such as visual scares, taste aversions, roost inhibitors, sonic repellers and ultrasonic disrupters which is also being provided by To read the full article click on below given link.Source:
Safeguard Yourself From Bird Droppings
19.03'14 - Jörg Nitzsche, CEO Bird Control Solutions
We all remember birds as beautiful creatures and seldom
does the image of birds causing problems arise. But this
a fact that these birds create havoc for many. This
infographic titled ‘Safeguard Yourself From Bird Droppings’ has been created with the big idea of showing
the other side of birds, where they cause loss, carry
diseases and even cause death. It also shows various
bird control solutions.
Control the population of problem birds with Netting
15.03'14 - Jörg Nitzsche, CEO Bird Control Solutions
Birds are a big concern for
residential & commercial building owners & agricultural
sector, They can ruin your crops, school's playground, parking lot in
your work, and many more locations where birds exist. But there are
also many good birds that do not cause damage, and may even help to
pollenate your crops and garden, or control smaller pests such as
bugs. So Bird netting is the safest way to control the population of
problem birds without interfering with the populations of the good
Bird Netting has number of advantages
related to health issues, saving birds, plantation protection and
many more. Read here for more information.
Bird Spikes Installation -Do it Yourself
15.02'14 - Jörg Nitzsche, CEO Bird Control Solutions
While the outdoors can certainly be as great as people claim, Mother Nature and her wildlife can sometimes cause loud and disgusting interruptions to our everyday lives. Wild birds, for instance, dump faeces on our homes and cars and can begin their cacophonous calls at the most inconvenient of times. One alternative for keeping birds away from ledges, signs and other flat areas is the use of bird spikes. These long protrusions are designed to keep large birds from settling on a certain area. While the products are commercially available, you can also make your own at home.Read full article at to learn that how to install bird spikes by yourself .
Older Entries
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