Nuclear power plant
Our team protected sensors and cameras on safety equipment against seagulls at a large north German nuclear power plant. The seagulls often triggered false sensor alarms. We also closed the landing niches direct on the dome with large PE netting. Zips were built into the netting to allow regular maintenance work.
Airport hanger: netting with bonding technology
Birds were nesting in the hanger of an airport in south Germany and soiling the aircraft, with significant damage.
Together with the customer’s installation team we bonded more than 2,000 m2 PE Antec netting. In addition, several thousand fasteners were attached to the cross bracings with high performance bonding agent. After sufficient drying time the very light netting could be hung in the fasters without any problems. The result is almost invisible netting.
Brewery silos: extensive netting
Several flocks of pigeons were spread out on and between the silos of a large brewery. The result wa heavy soiling and nesting between the silos.
We installed more than 1,000 m2 of netting with cable technology. Access is possible through zips. Industrial climbing technology was used for the installation.
Inner courtyard: netting with industrial bonding technology
Large inner courtyards can be gateways for pigeons. The installation of large netting is not easy in these cases. Scaffolding must be removed first – if the netting is already hanging, it is no longer possible. How can the netting be fixed?
In the two large courtyards we used industrial bonding technology. Our climbers carried out the work with flair. As you can see the netting not only keeps the pigeons away, but also the remains of the workers’ breakfasts.
Hydroelectric power plant: netting
Netting was fixed over the forecourt of a hydroelectric power plant in Würzburg. The netting is hardly noticeable due to the choice of colour and mesh size.
C&A, Regensburg: Netting installation
In front of the slat construction we stretched PE netting over the whole roof to prevent birds from sitting between the slats. The whole rear construction of the netting was in stainless steel.
Church of St. Martin Bingen: netting
Church towers are often an attraction to pigeons and other birds. The famous Church of St. Martin in Bingen attracts not only pigeons but also larger birds from the Rhine valley. Heavy soiling of the bell tower and the bells was the result.
Our industrial climbing team cleaned the pigeon droppings and disinfected. The sides of the bell tower were then netted. The pigeons could no longer get into the bell tower; this meant predators were no longer attracted to the flocks.
HVW Rastatt: extensive netting
The inner courtyard of this housing was a favourite for a flock of pigeons. During renovations netting was used to cover the whole courtyard, so that the pigeons could no longer land. The guttering was protected with stainless steel spikes.
Mainside Frankfurt: stainless steel netting-installation
There are expensive cars in the multi-storey car park of Mainside Frankfurt. Owing to the very attractive location near to the water, the object is a favourite nesting place. Our stainless steel netting provides effective protection and is discreetly installed on the facade.
University Clinic: netting with bonding technology
There are skylights controlled by the air conditioning in the reception area of this university clinic, they open and close automatically. The pigeons discovered this spacious area and flew in when the skylights were open.
The challenge was to install netting with as little damage as possible, and also not in the way of the opened skylights. We realised this by bevelling the netting. The bonding technology was very suitable for this project.
Inner courtyard Frankfurt: netting
We installed netting using cable frame technology in the inner courtyard of a bank in Frankfurt. Pigeon dropping also had to be removed and disinfection carried out.
Deutsche Welle, Bonn: netting installation
An open staircase leading to the Park provided shelter and roosting to pigeons. We installed large netting to prevent them flying in.
Swallow netting: PE netting with bonding technology
With a contract from the Cornelia Hopf property management company we installed preventative swallow protection on the facades of these properties.
The netting is strectched between the guttering and house walls. By using PE Antec netting with bonding we were able to avoid boring special dowels through the insulation. A major advance, due to which time was saved and costs were lower to the client.
Suspended facade: stainless steel netting
The concrete segments of this suspended facade provided pigeons with many roosting possibilities. As a result the facade and in particular the window sills were soiled by pigeons, some even brooding.
The pigeons were successfully driven away by the installation of stainless steel netting.
Chemical plant North Rhine Westphalia: PE Antec netting and strip curtains
Chemical plants are usually open on all sides and provide birds with many nesting possibilities. We installed netting with bonding technology and strip curtains at a large chemical plant in NRW.
The area is still accessible to the employees.
Inner courtyard Dresden: netting using industrial climbing
Pigeons infested the inner courtyard of a new building opposite the famous Church of Our Lady in Dresden. Due to the difficult access we installed the netting using industrial climbing technology.
Bonding the netting also proved itself here. A steel cable frame attachment would have been very complex as the facade also functions as insulation.
Backyard of Private Home in Munich
Pigeons often breed in backyards of private homes, where they can breed without being disturbed.
We have protected a backyard in Munich including the climate machine.
Balconies in Frankfurt: Nettings
Balconies on this office building were massively covered with pigeon droppings.
We have cleaned off the droppings, desinfected the area and protected the balconies with nettings.
Church in Allenbach: Cleaning of pigeon droppings and netting
This evanglic church in Allenbach is more than 200 years old. The window laths of its steeple were broken, allowing pigeons to fly in and breed for many years.
The droppings of the birds were immense. It was not possible to enter the roof structure without protective suits and breathing masks. We have cleaned and disinfected the whole roof from the droppings according german method BGI 892. To protect the roof from the birds, we have netted all windows of the steeple with our specially flame-resistant PE-net.
Goettingen Hospital: PE-netting Antec
Especially for hospitals hygiene is of extreme importance. Bird and pigeon droppings must be prevented with all means.
At the Goettingen hospital, stainless stell pipes are being used as snow guard. To prevent pigeons from roosting, we have installed a special stainless stell wire-system.
Beneath the roof pigeons also roosted directly on the tiles, since this place is best sheltered from the wind. We have installed PE-netting Antec, glueing it directly on the tiles.
Stainless stell spikes on roof ridges and ledges make bird control on this building complete.
Ubierring Cologne: PE-netting using cable frame technology
At this listed building at Ubierring in Cologne, we have installed PE-nettings using cable frame technology. The netting was attached to the windows and portholes of the facade as gently as possible.
Wire systems
State Museum of Mainz: stainless steel wire system
In the framework of renovating the State Museum of Mainz parapets and surrounding beams were protected with a multiple row wire system. The multiple rows of the system ensure complete protection and prevent birds from settling in the open space behind a shorter system.
Klauser Wuppertal: stainless steel wire system
Our proven stainless steel wire system effectively prevents bird intrusion. A three row system was selected to protect the attics and window sills. Corner pieces ensure all-round protection.
University of Düsseldorf: stainless steel wire system
The wire system protects the edges of the attics from bird intrusion. A three-row system was chosen.
Goldbeck facade Mannheim: custom-made product
stainless steel wire system
The customer had a strict specification for the wire system. The system was to prevent the intrusion of pigeons and also protect the guttering. This could not be realised with a standard system.
We therefore developed the standard wire system further and adjusted both the height and thickness to the increased tensile stress.
Several hundred metres of facade could then be effectively protected.
Exhibition Hall Frankfurt: Special Product Stainless Steel Wire System
The entrances of the new Exhibition Hall 11 in Frankfurt are suitable for pigeons flying in. In particular, the birds roost on the air conditioning directly behind the facade.
The challenge was to develop a system that on the one hand functions and on the other integrates harmoniously with the optical characteristics of the building.
The result is a multi-row stainless steel wire system that is anchored sideways in the soffits.E.On Academy Düsseldorf, stainless steel wire system
A multiple row stainless steel wire system was fitted exactly to the form of the window sills. Stainless steel pins were used. A possible alternative is also the direct anchoring of the wire system into the window reveals.
Waste management company: wire system as shield
For handrails stainless steel wire systems can be successfully installed as a shield. A risk of injury does not exist.
We have installed a shield system on several storeys of the Bonn waste management company.
Shopping centre Regensburg: stainless steel wire system
We protected the windows of a large shopping centre in Regensburg with a three- and five row stainless steel wire system. In particular, the full protection of the windows (five rows) prevents the pigeons from nesting on the window sills.
Inner Courtyard Dresden: Stainless Steel Wire System
Pigeons like to populate city centres. This was also the case in the centre of Dresden, where we protected the parapets of a new building opposite the Church of our Lady with several rows of stainless steel wire system.
Wire systems have a very high efficiency and are, not least because of the good visual effect, suitable for repelling birds.
Goettingen Hospital: Wire-system
Especially for hospitals hygiene is of extreme importance. Bird and pigeon droppings must be prevented with all means.
At the Goettingen hospital, stainless stell pipes are being used as snow guard. To prevent pigeons from roosting, we have installed a special stainless stell wire-system.
Beneath the roof pigeons also roosted directly on the tiles, since this place is best sheltered from the wind. We have installed PE-netting Antec, glueing it directly on the tiles.
Stainless stell spikes on roof ridges and ledges make bird control on this building complete.
Ubierring Cologne: Stainless steel wire system and spikes
At this listed building at Ubierring in Cologne, we have installed a stainless stell wire system on gutters and ledges. The system was even painted in order to best integrate it into the facade of the building.
On other ledges and gutters we have used stainless steel spikes to protect them.
Electrical systems
Egana Goldpfeil Offenbach: profile electrical system
Pigeons had nested in the inner courtyard of a branch of Egana-Goldpfeil in Offenbach – a sign of colonisation. An electrical system installed on the roller blinds box and the window sills solved the problem.
Office building Karlsruhe
An electrical system compatible with the expensively renovated facade was selected. The facade was not visually impaired – efficiency was very good.
E.On Düsseldorf: electrical system
The goal at the head office of E.On and the E.On Academy in Dusseldorf was to keep the roof cornices, the roof ridges and the entrance area free of birds. We successfully installed the TAPO profile electrical system here.
E.On hydroelectric Würzburg: electrical systems
The historic listed monument and architecturally valuable hydroelectric power station in Würzburg had to be carefully protected against pigeon droppings. The TAPO profile electric system was selected, together with a special clamping system for the snow guards.
An extensive forecourt was also covered with netting.
Chamber of Commerce Bremen: Electrical system Columbex
The building of the Chamber of Commerce in Bremen is several hundred years old and a listed building. Its location in the centre of the town right at the market, exposes it directly to pigeons. Top quality ornamentation and its sandstone construction urge for an effective bird control.
Therefore, the owner decided in favor of the electrical system ColumbEx, which we glued on the surface with special primer and adhesives. We also protected the ornaments with the system, which is flexible and can be adjusted to every curve. We have met the high expectations of the owner, the requirements of the monument conservation and bird control.
University Campus Munich Martinsried: electrical system
We installed over the reception area of the new building of the University Campus Martinsried the TAPO profile electric system. In close cooperation with the architects, the planners and TONI the client finally decided on the anthracite coloured version of the system.
The current source was installed in a separate high quality terminal box, which was specially coated in the colour of the facade. Due to the excellent colouring the pigeon deterrent was almost invisible.
Housing in Cologne: Electrical System
This inner courtyard of this new housing was protected with an electrical system against pigeons. The system is installed in the front attic in an area that is not easy to reach. Therefore, the occupants, children etc cannot reach the system and frighten themselves.
Electrical systems are particularly effective because there is no habituation effect and they are optically discreet. They are also just as suitable for private accommodation.
Wehmeyer Giessen: electrical system
At the Wehmeyer department store in Giessen we installed the TAPO profile electrical system as arris protection.
The parts of the building that were difficult to reach were protected by spikes.
Foodstuffs factory in Frankfurt: rod electrical system
Small birds polluted the facade of a foodstuffs factory close to Frankfurt. The problem could be solved by an arris protection with a rod electrical system.
Frankfurt, Zeil: TAPO profile electrical system
Pigeons often use protruding glass- or sunawnings to perch. Many pedestrians and customers have had an unpleasant surprise.
We installed the TAPO profile electrical system on the glass roof to prevent this. The light boxes of the advertising were connected to the electrical supply.
Talos1 / Combination system
Facade in Karlsruhe: Electrical System
We installed our combination system on this facade in Karlsruhe to protect the parapets. The system can function as a pure wire system or – with electricity – as an electrical system. We installed it as an electrical system on the facade in Karlsruhe.
For this purpose we assembled and fixed one after the other and under each other several segments – each of three stainless steel wires. Each segment protects ca. 18 – 20 m parapet. Direction changes at edges were achieved with oblique profiles.
The system could protect several hundred metres from pigeons on this facade at an attractive price. By the use of solar energy the system is completely self-sufficient.Flat Roof-Parapets: Electrical System
On one of the largest warehouses in Europe there was heavy contamination caused by large birds roosting on the parapets.
The customer decided on our combination system as it is suitable for nearly all birds, but in particular the larger birds here. There is also no habituation by the birds due to the electric feed, similar to the meadow wire principle.
In total we have protected more than 500 m of parapet each with three parallel electric wires. The installation rails were set so that a rail was only necessary every ca. 20 m. We realised the power supply with solar energy, so that the system is completely self-sufficient.
Optically the system is discreet and does not impair the appearance of the clearly articulated facade.Nuclear power plant: Electrical system
Its location makes the nuclear power plant in Stade very attractive for sea gulls. The dirt at the facades of the buildings around the reactor are quite enormous.
We have installed several hundred meters of our wire-electrical combination system at the attics of several buildings. Because of its construction, the system is suited much better to control gulls than other electrical systems. Habituation is almost impossible. Facades do keep much cleaner now.
Facade in Frankfurt: stainless steel spikes
During renovating we cleaned and disinfected the facade from pigeon droppings. Stainless steel spikes were discreetly installed for protection.
Office building Karlsruhe: stainless steel spikes
Office buildings with an atrium are favoured living places for pigeons. In particular, niches on the buildings are very suitable.
We protected the niches with stainless steel spikes – a simple and discreet method. The only challenge with the atrium was the confined space. Special handling equipment solved the problem.
Frankfurt-inner courtyard: stainless steel spikes
This courtyard of a block of houses in Frankfurt was heavily soiled by pigeons. Access was the problem; however our climbing team solved it with flying colours.
Stainless steel spikes were installed on pilaster strips and guttering.
Swarovski Frankfurt: Installation of Stainless Steel Spikes
In the city centre of Frankfurt, pigeons are part of the cityscape. But they should not roost on the facades of the shops. This can be achieved with proven, effective means: effective pigeon control on the Swarovski facade in Frankfurt.
Klauser facade: stainless steel spikes
Stainless steel spikes provide very good protection for many parts of a facade. They are particularly suited for nameplates and are also cost effective.
Factory and office building in cologne: stainless steel spikes
The pigeons were nesting in the venetian blind boxes underneath the eaves of this building.
The problem was solved with several rows of stainless steel spikes, some of which were installed from inside the building and some with lifting equipment.
Frankfurt inner courtyard: stainless steel spikes
Trees made this inner courtyard very difficult to access – impossible for lifting equipment, routine for our climbing team.
There were enough anchor points on the facade, which allowed our team to work safely.
Lampertheim: stainless steel spikes
The roof area of this building was heavily affected by pigeons, which had settled on the edges of the roof and roof protrudances.
After professionally cleaning the pigeon droppings and disinfecting we protected the area with stainless steel spikes.
ETG Frankfurt: stainless steel spikes -installation
Guttering is a bird favourite. Special spikes helped here. These went so far into the recess that the birds could no longer nest in the guttering.
HVW Frankfurt: cleaning and stainless steel spikes
The window sills of a doctor’s practice in the Frankfurt city centre were heavily soiled by pigeons.
We carried out a professional cleaning and disinfecting of the object and installed two-rowed stainless steel spikes.
Goettingen Hospital: Stainless steel spikes
Especially for hospitals hygiene is of extreme importance. Bird and pigeon droppings must be prevented with all means.
At the Goettingen hospital, stainless stell pipes are being used as snow guard. To prevent pigeons from roosting, we have installed a special stainless stell wire-system.
Beneath the roof pigeons also roosted directly on the tiles, since this place is best sheltered from the wind. We have installed PE-netting Antec, glueing it directly on the tiles.
Stainless stell spikes on roof ridges and ledges make bird control on this building complete.