Birdcontrol Blog

5 Effective Methods to Control Woodpeckers

19.06'13 - Jörg Nitzsche, CEO Bird Control Solutions
Categories: Service

There are many strategies for stopping the woodpeckers from damaging your house and your beautiful trees and wooden furniture.

  1. Make use of loud noises to scare away the woodpeckers and deter them from pecking. There are ultrasonic devices available in the markets that are quite effective in frightening the woodpeckers.

  1. Visuals are also effective in stopping woodpeckers from pecking. Add bright reflective objects in the area where woodpeckers peck to frighten them away. Small mirrors, metal plates, and metal pinwheels with reflective sections are found to be quite effective in stopping woodpeckers.

  1. Install speciality netting to stop woodpeckers from pecking at your eves and on to your siding. Netting will deter woodpeckers from pecking at your siding and would minimise the damage caused thereby.

  1. Remove large tress near the house or where you find woodpeckers pecking. When the trees would be removed, the woodpeckers will feel more exposed and vulnerable and would fly away from that place.

  1. Provide alternate food sources to woodpeckers. To discourage them from hunting for insects in your trees and wooden structures, provide them with better foods like mealworms, suet, and jelly to keep your trees and wooden structures safe and secure from woodpeckers. You may also cover the wooden area with foam or cloth to prevent the woodpeckers from reaching the wood for pecking.

To get the best possible results, you must make use of different methods or avail professional services for woodpecker control in case you can not control them on your own.


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