Birdcontrol Blog

Are you aware of the fatal diseases that pigeons carry?

24.06'13 - Jörg Nitzsche, CEO Bird Control Solutions
Do you know that pigeons carry more than 30 diseases that can not only make you sick, but can also kill you? The diseases that are caused by pigeons are serious, but quite more than often people do not know that they have been infected and exposed to such diseases. Because pigeon diseases remain undiagnosed or they are mis-diagnosed, they prove to be fatal.

Pigeons dwell in our homes, they perch on our window sills, on patio furniture, and at other places in and around our homes. They carry airborne diseases. Aspergillosis is the most common air borne disease that is caused by a fungi present in the pigeon feces. It infects the blood and often caused death. Cryptococcosis( it infects the brain) and Hiptoplasmosis(it is a pulmonary disease that extends to liver, spleen and nymph nodes) are other air borne diseases that are spread by pigeons.

Pigeons also carry bacterial diseases. Erysipeloid is one such disease wherein the infected person experienced burning sensation, throbbing pain and itching when exposed to pigeon droppings. Listeriosis is another disease that is caused by pigeon droppings and is very dangerous for pregnant women.

Toxoplasmosis is yet another fatal disease that causes mental retardation and death and is spread by pigeon droppings, eye secretion, respiratory droplets, and through contact with infected tissue.

There are many other deadly diseases that are caused by pigeons. If you want to protect yourself and your kids from these fatal, air borne and bacterial diseases, you must adopt effective bird control methods to get rid off them.


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